What is PAX?
PAX is a proven prevention and protection tool used to improve the lifetime outcomes for children. Benefits of PAX programs can be seen as early as a few months, and well into adulthood: providing longterm effects such as less alcohol & drug addictions, less crime/violence/suicide, less depression and other mental health issues.
PAX addresses all of these, as it involves a set of research- based practices rooted in behavioral science as well as our own anthropology. These trauma-informed prevention strategies are already at work in many of our schools. Learn how we can implement these same evidence- based practices that have been recommended by the Institute of Medicine and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the home and throughout the community.
How Does PAX Benefit Schools and Teachers?
The PAX Game helps teaches and schools achieve their most important objectivies: increase time for teaching and learning; increase high school graduation and university entry. The game reduces teachers' stress and student problem behaviors while developing skills in students to help them be attentive and engaged in learning.
How Does PAX Benefit Society?
With attention and intention, community leaders, parents, teachers, co-workers and others are richly reinforcing pro-social behaviors, reducing toxic influences, limiting problematic behaviors, and increasing psychological flexibility - all with proven, evidence-based strategies. PAX has lasting efffects showing decreases in: Opiate use, early sexual behavior, alcohol, and tobacco use; as well as reduced mental illnesses, crime, violence, depression, and suicide attempts.
How Does PAX Benefit Students?
The Game teaches students to "flip on" their internal focus switch, required for any learning. It teaches them how to work toward valued goals, and teaches them how to cooperate with each other to reach those goals. Students learn hot to self-regulate during both learning and fun. They learn how to delay gratification for a bigger goal. And the game helps them develop protections against lifetime mental health issues, emotional and behavioral as well as related physical illnesses.
PAX At Home
PAX-at-Home is a parent-child-school connection program that provides PAX information and tips to parents or caregivers who have children attending a school where the PAX Good Behavior Game is being implemented.
The success of PAX in classrooms can be increased and carried over into homelife of children by teaching parents the kernals and introducing the importance of creating nurturing enviroments for children. Social recognition, sympathetic attention, acts of caring, and receiving comfort are all positively reinforcing and vital to young people’s development and everyone’s well-being. Increasing the prevalence of positive reinforcement beyond the context of evidence-based programs to multiple community settings potentially can advance mental, emotional, and behavioral well-being.
PAX At School
The 2009 Institute of Medicine’s Report on the Prevention of Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders Among Young People singled out the Good Behavior Game as potentially one of the most effective early, universal school-based prevention strategies (based on multiple randomized, longitudinal trials).
​The Good Behavior Game (GBG) is a classroom-wide, teacher-implemented intervention that aims to improve classroom behavior and introduce young children to the role of being a student and a member of the classroom community. The GBG treats the classroom as a community. The teacher is central to the GBG, because he or she sets the rules for becoming a successful student and member of the community and also determines whether each child succeeds or fails. The GBG improves the precision with which the teacher conveys and the child receives these rules, and by doing so improves the teacher-child interaction and the child’s chances for success.
Training Brochures
Good Behavior Game School Training
Nurturing Environments Community Training
At Home Parent Training