Be Seen With Green October 10
For World Mental Health Day and Renewal Levy Awareness
Be Seen With Green is back for a special day in October! Show your green on Tuesday, October 10th—World Mental Health Day—to help raise awareness and to support the local mental health & recovery services renewal levy. Ways you can raise awareness:
Wear your green—Anything you own or a Be Seen with Green t-shirt!
Light the outside of your business or home in green.
Businesses and churches display support on your outdoor signs
Have special green items for sale
Any other way to be seen with green
Share your photos on October 10! Use these hashtags: #WorldMentalHealthDay #BeSeenWithGreenOctober
Send us your photos with green to wecarepeople2012@gmail.com, through our Facebook event, or through a Facebook message.
MHRSB Be Seen With Green t-shirts available for $5! Contact Trisha Smith at trisha@mhrsb.org or 419-222-5120.

Mental Health & Recovery Services RENEWAL Levy
Not A New Tax
The local Mental Health & Recovery Services levy is up for renewal this November 7. This is not a new tax.
Nearly half of the Board’s funding comes from this local levy. Levies funded $5,198,761 in services and programs for 2022. This 5-year levy brings in 68% of local funding.

Be Seen With Green October 10
For World Mental Health Day and Renewal Levy Awareness
Be Seen With Green is back for a special day in October! Show your green on Tuesday, October 10th—World Mental Health Day—to help raise awareness and to support the local mental health & recovery services renewal levy. Ways you can raise awareness:
Wear your green—Anything you own or a Be Seen with Green t-shirt!
Light the outside of your business or home in green.
Businesses and churches display support on your outdoor signs
Have special green items for sale
Any other way to be seen with green
Share your photos on October 10! Use these hashtags: #WorldMentalHealthDay #BeSeenWithGreenOctober Send us your photos with green to wecarepeople2012@gmail.com, through our Facebook event, or through a Facebook message.
MHRSB Be Seen With Green t-shirts available for $5! Contact Trisha Smith at trisha@mhrsb.org or 419-222-5120.
Mental Health & Recovery Services RENEWAL Levy
Not A New TaxThe local Mental Health & Recovery Services levy is up for renewal this November 7. This is not a new tax.
Nearly half of the Board’s funding comes from this local levy. Levies funded $5,198,761 in services and programs for 2022. This 5-year levy brings in 68% of local funding.
Now More Than EverSuicides, opioid use, and alcohol use are up. Suicides in the U.S. reached a record high in 2022. Now more than ever, our communities need mental health and recovery services.
These local services are for everyone. We have a Crisis Center to serve the community day & night, a local Hopeline crisis helpline available 24/7 at 1-800-567-4673 (HOPE), and more.
Register By: Tuesday, October 10
Early Voting: Wednesday, October 11
Election Day: Tuesday, November 7